Organisations all over the world are looking for ways to reduce their ecological footprint and contribute to a greener future as environmental sustainability becomes more and more of a concern. An internationally recognised standard that outlines the specifications for an environmental management system and is a mark of the company’s maturity, ISO 14001 is one important instrument in accomplishing this. Covering a broad spectrum of areas such as community engagement, governance, energy consumption, and pollution control, the ISO 14001 certification provides a comprehensive framework for companies to operate sustainably. 

Through demanding evaluation and continuous improvement, TeleSoftas has earned its ISO 14001 certification, showcasing our commitment to environmental stewardship.

What is ISO 14001?

In an era where environmental sustainability is a growing concern, organizations worldwide are seeking ways to reduce their ecological footprint and contribute to a greener future. One instrumental tool in achieving this is ISO 14001 – an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system and is a sign of the company’s maturity.

These are the principles of organizational behaviour (management model or guidelines) aimed at reducing the use of natural resources and their impact on the environment. Our goal is to continue to monitor processes and progress and find ways to improve this management system.

In this way, we demonstrate that we are sensitive to the environment and comply with voluntary obligations to use environmental resources efficiently and rationally (e.g. electricity, fossil fuels, etc.).

A wide range of topics, including community, governance, electricity consumption and air pollution, are covered in the certificate through the ecological lens.

Why is it important to us?

This standard complements TeleSoftas sustainability strategy and becomes an integral part of it. In this way, we meet the expectations of customers (especially international ones) and fully comply with the newly enforced “green” procurement requirements, which open more and more doors.

What does it mean for us and our partners?

1. It is no longer necessary to complete questionnaires for foreign partners who need proof of our sustainability.

2. We can participate in public procurements because this document meets the requirements of green procurement, which are also relevant for IT services.

3. Helps us take targeted actions to measure and minimize our environmental impact and educate our community and partners. As well as empower us to choose suppliers responsibly and impose requirements related to environmental responsibility.

4. Reducing Pollution – Raising environmental awareness in our community – improvement of environmental efficiency – and, if necessary, implementation of technological innovations (e.g. CO2 footprint calculation methodology).

How did we get this certification?

As a company, TeleSoftas receives a certificate that shows that TeleSoftas has assessed all environmental risks in its procedures and management and takes steps to reduce them.

The positive outcome can be reached by reviewing our consumption of electricity and fuel – as these are the main areas of our impact.

Furthermore, every two years the audit will measure progress towards our goals. These goals or KPIs are set by ourselves following the guidelines provided. 

In essence

ISO 14001 is not just a standard; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. TeleSoftas, with this certification, stands as an expert in environmental responsibility, driving positive change within the organization and the broader community.

Karolina Stankevičienė

This article was written by a Team Lead in TeleSoftas. For more insights, follow her on Linkedin – Karolina Stankevičienė.