Change is life. Let’s make Impact 

Over the years, TeleSoftas has been unwavering in its commitment to social sustainability and responsibility, cultivating a culture deeply rooted in making a positive influence on society and everyone around us.

Our slogan “Change is Life. Let’s make impact” is a representation of what we believe in. Through we have woven a tapestry of social responsibility, leveraging our position as an IT consultancy to contribute meaningfully to the communities we serve, embodying the belief that technological progress should coexist harmoniously with social sustainability.

In the dynamic landscape of progress and evolution, it’s exhilarating to embrace a collective responsibility towards sustainability in all its dimensions – social, environmental, human, and economic. For that reason, we have created our sustainability policy, by 2025 we plan to issue our first sustainability report of the company. Down below you can find the biggest milestones of our social and human sustainability journey.



TeleSoftas had been launched


Darom app


UN Global Compact


Jaunimo linija


Lietaus vaikai, Lietuvos autizmo asociacija


Soft Team Leads


Helping Wing

Engaged & Supportive

We’ve accomplished this by leveraging our role as an IT consultancy to actively engage with the communities we support, while embracing the notion that social sustainability and technological progress should harmoniously coexist.

Building technology for better future
  • The global environmental cleaning campaign “Darom” has been organised in Lithuania for more than a decade. Since 2008 more than 100,000 people participate in it every year, and they manage more than 5,000 territories. Social action and initiative for the cleaning and management of public spaces “DAROM” . We have developed an app in order to locate and orchestrate actions in a centralised way.
  • Lietaus vaikai is a non-profit public organisation focusing on people with autism and the society around them.  Lithuanian Autism Association “Lietaus vaikai” Pro Bono project while Creating a platform for donations collection.


The impact on societies
  • Jaunimo linija operates since 1991 and anyone who is in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide can contact the charity 24/7, 365 days per year. Our team are active volunteers.
  • The United Nations Global Compact is a voluntary initiative that was launched by the United Nations in 2000, designed to encourage businesses and organisations to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies and practices. Our team took part in global initiative, our members have provided trainings and ways for to explore digital channels and new ways to for commerce.
Empowering Tomorrow’s Innovators

We created a brand new position in a name of Soft Team Lead (STL). Soft Team lead is there to support, guide, and enable team & individuals to grow forward and reach their best potential while maintaining maximum happiness!

Help to Ukraine

Helping Wing sends buses and trucks with humanitarian aid to Ukraine and then bring Ukrainian children who have lost their parents, during the war or earlier, to Lithuania. Our founder Algirdas Stonys is one of the core members of this organisation.