General Provisions

1. UAB Telesoftas (Telesoftas) is an international IT services company that designs, develops, and implements smart and innovative digital services and solutions, as well as consults on these topics. Telesoftas aims to deliver services in a sustainable way – reducing negative environmental and social impacts, creating positive impacts, contributing to the global Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal.

2. The purpose of this policy (Policy) to outline Telesoftas’ general sustainability principles, their implementation and governance. The company applies sustainable business practices and sets corresponding expectations for the entire value chain.

3. According to the Company’s vision, mission, values and goals, Telesoftas implements sustainability principles in the areas of environmental, social, and governance issues. The Company assesses and manages sustainability risks and takes appropriate measures.

4. Telesoftas aims to operate transparently, ethically, and responsibly. It strives to reduce its environmental and climate footprint and provide IT services that help to minimise this impact. The Company also prioritises the well-being of its employees, promoting their development and growth. Additionally, Telesoftas seeks to create social value for communities, as well as ensure cyber and data security and privacy.

Principles of sustainability

5. Telesoftas’ activities are based on the following sustainability principles:

5.1. Responsibility – Telesoftas assesses its impact on society and the environment and takes responsibility for its actions and decisions;

5.2 Transparency – Telesoftas is transparent while making the decisions which have an impact on society and the environment, and regularly publishes sustainability-related information;

5.3 Stakeholder Engagement – Telesoftas values interests of Company’s stakeholders and considers them in all activities;

5.4. Long-term perspective – Telesoftas decision-making takes into account not only short-term economic benefits but also the potential impact on future generations, demonstrating a long-term perspective.

5.5 Respect for Human Rights – Telesoftas recognises the importance and universality of human rights and ensures that the Company’s activities do not violate them.

Sustainability area: Environment

6. Telesoftas aims to reduce the direct and indirect negative impact of its activities on the environment and to encourage its stakeholders to respect the environment and natural resources. These activities include actions both inside and outside the organisation.

7. Telesoftas aims to:

7.1. use natural resources and energy efficiently;

7.2. reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its own activities and from the use of the services and solutions developed;

7.3. responsibly manage all types of waste, especially electrical and electronic waste, and apply waste prevention principles;

7.4. consider the environmental impact of business travel, employee commuting and promote sustainable mobility;

7.5. educate employees and promote their environmental awareness;

7.6. consider the environmental impact of its procurement process and include relevant criteria in the supplier selection process.

8. To reduce indirect impacts, Telesoftas assesses the environmental impact of its services and considers environmental objectives (such as greenhouse gas reduction and energy efficiency) while designing them

Sustainability area: Social responsibility

9. Telesoftas promotes and creates a values-based organisational culture that prioritises respect for human rights, equal opportunities, and employee well-being. The company aims to attract and retain talent, increase employee engagement, and provide opportunities for development.

10. Telesoftas’ work environment:

10.1. provides fair and competitive remuneration for the work performed;

10.2. ensures equal rights and opportunities at work regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, social status, age, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, membership of political parties or associations, religion, beliefs or opinions;

10.3 prohibits all forms of harassment, discrimination, and violence, including verbal and emotional abuse, psychological violence, bullying, stalking, and abuse of power; prohibits child labour, forced labour, and any other violation of human rights;

10.4 provides a safe and healthy working environment;

10.5 promotes work-life balance;

10.6 promotes physical and emotional well-being of employees;

10.7 encourages personal and professional development and growth;

10.8. fosters culture of openness and cooperation;

10.9. encourages volunteering.

11. Telesoftas collaborates with communities, engages them and seeks to develop joint projects that have a positive impact.

12. Telesoftas cooperates with stakeholders to raise awareness, share knowledge and best practices in sustainability, and carry out educational activities.

13. Telesoftas considers social impacts when procuring and selecting suppliers and includes relevant criteria in the supplier selection process.

Sustainability area: Governance

14. Company’s managers are chosen based on their competence and highest ethical standards are applied to them.

15. The governing bodies of Telesoftas must ensure that their decisions are impartial, objective, and based on information  available as well as relevant legal acts.                                                           

16. Responsible governance is ensured through transparency, stakeholder engagement, public disclosure of sustainability achievements, fair competition, ethical marketing, ethical treatment of suppliers and partners, avoidance of corruption and fraud in all its forms, facilitating the reporting of ethical breaches and abuses while ensuring protection for whistleblowers.

17. Telesoftas protects the personal data of its employees, customers, and partners and ensures their privacy. The Company safeguards its own and its partners’ confidential information.

18. Telesoftas shall not collaborate with suppliers and partners who fail to meet the basic standards of good governance and transparency in their operations.

Final Provisions

19. All employees of Telesoftas must comply with the provisions of this Policy.

20. The Policy is subject to approval and amendment by the CEO of the Company. 

21. The Policy reflects Telesoftas’ current approach to sustainability management. The Company should review the Policy in case of significant changes in the external environment, operations, governance structure, or legislation. Otherwise, the Policy will be reviewed every at least two years.

22. The Policy shall be communicated to all Telesoftas employees through the internal communication system or via email.