2022 has started with another #stepForward. On December 30th, BUREAU VERITAS LIT granted an ISO/IEC 27001:2013 security certification for TeleSoftas.
Certification to the ISO 27001 standard is recognised internationally as an indication that a company’s information security management system (ISMS) is aligned with best practices worldwide. The main benefits of the certification are the following:
- It increases customer value.
- It helps prevent security threats.
- It improves internal structure and processes.

It is not only a pleasant document to look at but also has a significant impact on TeleSoftas employees, partners, and clients. This proof and also commitment helps TeleSoftas continuously improve information security through processes, technology, and people angles in the best way possible.
Have a safe and secure year ahead!

Šarūnas Putrius
This article was written by TeleSoftas Chief Production Officer Šarūnas Putrius. For more insights from Šarūnas follow him on Linkedin.